Palma Home Design

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Barstool Upgrade!

When you only have one barstool and none matching you might as well make 1 super cute! I started by sanding/painting the wood. Then added the fluer de lis in the center. I wanted to do something super cute on the seat so I laid out the fabric and pinned it then sewed the sides so that the seat cushion is ruched linen. I then added the linen and burlap ruffle underneath for a skirted look, then some twine in all of the creases of wood, and a corset with nailheads to the back and added more linen ruffles that can be seen from the front as well! This chair will be displayed and for sale at a local winery event!

                                                                                     Of course my baby boy had to make his debut!

Old crate into storage footstool!

I forgot to take a picture before I painted the outside, but just so you get the idea it was the same as the wood that you see on the inside :)
It was an old tomato catsup crate that I found at my local antique store for $16!
I used it for a friends baby nursery (more pics to follow) made an upholostered lid and voila!